digest meaning in tamil

Word: digest - The english word have 6 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of digest in english - abridgement of something written, assimilate food, make shorter, abridge, come to understand, tolerate, endure

Meanings in tamil :

changkitai ( சங்கிதை )
pozippu ( பொழிப்பு )

Identical words :

As noun :
digestion - chiranam ( சீரணம் )

Synonyms of digest

compendium sketch condensation abstract brief summary syllabus synopsis survey epitome précis résumé aperçu pandect short form sylloge incorporate consume absorb eat take macerate swallow dissolve chymify trim systematize cut abbreviate inventory reduce codify shorten condense decrease epitomize classify summarize tabulate compress cut down sum up methodize synopsize nutshell summate boil down cut to bone get to the meat put in a nutshell ponder consider deliberate study contemplate meditate master grasp analyze take in think about think over stomach brook abide bear

Antonyms of digest

unabridgement misunderstand enlarge lengthen build maintain detail expand disorganize amplify increase grow develop extend raise strengthen add fill ignore discard reject disregard forget neglect dismiss not get refuse shun avoid dodge
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