dishonesty meaning in tamil
Word: dishonesty - The english word have 10 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of nounin english.
Meaning of dishonesty in english - lying, unwillingness to tell the truth
infidelity falsehood fraud trickery duplicity chicanery deceit mendacity treachery corruption graft falsity stealing artifice racket double-dealing cheating trickiness bunk faithlessness cunning infamy flimflam craft slyness swindle perfidy guile perfidiousness hocus-pocus crookedness rascality hanky-panky improbity criminality unscrupulousness insidiousness wiliness fraudulence fourberiefaithfulness loyalty honesty truthfulness frankness reality sincerity fairness scrupulousness fidelity forthrightness innocence openness
Meaning of dishonesty in english - lying, unwillingness to tell the truth
Meanings in tamil :
nerinam ( நேரீனம் )
Synonyms of dishonesty
Antonyms of dishonesty
Tamil to English
English To Tamil