dispirited meaning in tamil

Word: dispirited - The english word have 10 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjectivein english.
Meaning of dispirited in english - dejected, sad

Meanings in tamil :

manamuṟiya ( மனமுறிய )

Identical words :

dispiritedness - manamativu ( மனமடிவு )
dispirited mind - uzalittamanam ( ஊழலித்தமனம் )

Synonyms of dispirited

crestfallen depressed glum despondent down blue low discouraged disconsolate downbeat downcast downhearted funky gloomy melancholy morose spiritless woebegone disheartened dragged bummed-out in the doldrums

Antonyms of dispirited

elated encouraged cheerful enthused happy above heartened gay decent
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