ellipse meaning in tamil

Word: ellipse - The english word have 7 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of nounin english.
Meaning of ellipse in english - curve, orbit

Meanings in tamil :

netuvattam ( நெடுவட்டம் )

Identical words :

ellipses in metonymical expressions - kuṟippechcham ( குறிப்பெச்சம் )

Synonyms of ellipse

trajectory arc arch contour loop swerve sweep hairpin crook bend whorl ambit concavity circle quirk curvature festoon bight compass circumference bow turn circuit vault round chord horseshoe hyperbola ogee helix flexure curlicue parabola meniscus camber half-moon catenary incurvature incurvation sinuosity rondure rotation pattern path apogee track course locus lap cycle perigee
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