engross meaning in tamil

Word: engross - The english word have 7 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of verbin english.
Meaning of engross in english - hold one's attention

Meanings in tamil :

As adjective :
kṟ ( கற )
ப்பேன் க்க

Identical words :

As noun :
engrossment - pitippu ( பிடிப்பு )

Synonyms of engross

bewitch immerse enthrall captivate preoccupy enrapture fascinate grip hog engage consume soak arrest assimilate absorb involve busy engulf corner apply monopolize attract fill take up be hung become lost sew up

Antonyms of engross

disgust tire offend release eject reject surrender misunderstand ignore disenchant turn off bore repel let go yield not use forget
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