exasperate meaning in tamil

Word: exasperate - The english word have 10 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of verbin english.
Meaning of exasperate in english - upset, provoke

Meanings in tamil :

kurchiva ( கூர்சீவ )
kurakka ( கூராக்க )

Synonyms of exasperate

annoy disturb embitter peeve infuriate vex excite incense enrage agitate rile irk irritate gall rankle aggravate pique needle get madden exacerbate nettle inflame roil anger rouse bug work up T-off drive up the wall make waves try the patience of

Antonyms of exasperate

aid soothe appease calm comfort pacify quiet assist lull tranquilize delight gladden mollify alleviate placate make happy please help
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