expert meaning in tamil

Word: expert - The english word have 6 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjective, nounin english.
Meaning of expert in english - knowledgeable, proficient, master, specialist

Meanings in tamil :

pazakkamanavan ( பழக்கமானவன் )

Identical words :

expert man or woman - kattani ( கட்டாணி )
expertness - pzkkm ( பழக்கம் )

Synonyms of expert

adroit experienced deft skillful skilled adept trained crackerjack slick virtuoso professional savvy sharp handy apt big league clever dexterous facile practiced qualified schooled authority artist connoisseur phenomenon ace guru wizard whiz graduate buff old hand artiste shark doyen hot shot

Antonyms of expert

clumsy unskilled ignorant inexperienced unskillful stupid unintelligent inexpert awkward inept green amateur unknowledgeable untrained ignoramus rookie apprentice
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