firm meaning in tamil
Word: firm - The english word have 4 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjective, nounin english.
Meaning of firm in english - inflexible, stable, unmoving, unalterable, definite, business
tough sturdy solid hard unyielding substantial rigid thick stiff compact concentrated condensed set refractory concrete hardened close heavy impenetrable impermeable impervious inelastic solidified compressed congealed jelled close-grained fine-grained nonporous tenacious unshakable steady fast tight robust strong rooted secure immovable closed sound mounted petrified fastened embedded spiked fixed settled durable immobile motionless stationary taut riveted braced anchored soldered cemented nailed secured screwed tightened bolted welded unfluctuating flat unwavering adamant unflinching steadfast resolute consistent persistent specific strict determined staunch explicit established constant bent stated bound persevering exact unbending going intent enduring abiding prevailing hang tough obdurate stand pat sure unchangeable unqualified unshaken resolved stipulated true dead set on never-failing undeviating corporation company conglomerate enterprise organization association crowd house partnership gang bunch outfit concern multinationalunstable vulnerable wobbly facile pliable supple alterable changeable indefinite irresolute weak nice easy soft flexible pliant yielding loose slack moving unsettled wavering unattached intermittent untrustworthy infirm undecided movable broken unfixed unhealthy inconsistent varying unsteady unreliable inconstant uncertain vague untrue fickle disloyal surrendering afraid easy-going obscure
Meaning of firm in english - inflexible, stable, unmoving, unalterable, definite, business
Meanings in tamil :
Identical words :
As noun :
firmness - pelam ( பெலம் )
firmament - pakirantam ( பகிரண்டம் )
firmness - pelam ( பெலம் )
firmament - pakirantam ( பகிரண்டம் )
firmness of body - chitti ( சித்தி )
firm constitution - charirakkattu ( சரீரக்கட்டு )
firm soil - urattanilam ( உரத்தநிலம் )
firm built man - urapitiyanamanitan ( உரபிடியானமனிதன் )
firmness of mind - manattitam ( மனத்திடம் )
firm hold - uṟuti ( உறுதி )
firm attachment - uṟuti ( உறுதி )
firm determination - kataippiti ( கடைப்பிடி )
firm trust or dependence - orupiti ( ஒருபிடி )
firm belief in the essentials of religion serving as the hope and support of the mind in reference to a future state - kataippiti ( கடைப்பிடி )
firm resolve - kataippiti ( கடைப்பிடி )
firm grasp as that of a monkey - kurankuppiti ( குரங்குப்பிடி )
firm constitution - charirakkattu ( சரீரக்கட்டு )
firm soil - urattanilam ( உரத்தநிலம் )
firm built man - urapitiyanamanitan ( உரபிடியானமனிதன் )
firmness of mind - manattitam ( மனத்திடம் )
firm hold - uṟuti ( உறுதி )
firm attachment - uṟuti ( உறுதி )
firm determination - kataippiti ( கடைப்பிடி )
firm trust or dependence - orupiti ( ஒருபிடி )
firm belief in the essentials of religion serving as the hope and support of the mind in reference to a future state - kataippiti ( கடைப்பிடி )
firm resolve - kataippiti ( கடைப்பிடி )
firm grasp as that of a monkey - kurankuppiti ( குரங்குப்பிடி )
Synonyms of firm
Antonyms of firm
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