flax meaning in tamil

Word: flax - The english word have 4 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of flax in english - best, defeat, flog, hit, spank, hemp, thread

Meanings in tamil :

chanal ( சணல் )

Identical words :

flax dresser - chanappan ( சணப்பன் )
flax cord - chanaṟkayiṟu ( சணற்கயிறு )

Synonyms of flax

beat trounce outclass outshine conquer surpass blank outdo knock off overcome transcend exceed lick deck outstrip tan total prevail whip cream bulldoze floor top excel better master lambaste wax trash wallop blast wipe zap waste drub clobber thrash triumph beat up put away shut down take down wipe out take care of whop KO whomp get the better of let have it shoot down triumph over wipe the floor with knock out win overpower edge pound powder skin pulverize bust outrun drop whack pommel outplay steamroll outhit outjump plow under run roughshod over take it all take to cleaners work over chastise castigate whale cane hide scourge flay paddle leather stripe flagellate belt lather strike larrup ferule give the cat o'nine tails tan one's hide bat punch pop nail smack batter slap kick ding tap lace clip bump blitz clout brain rap hammer pelt cudgel sock swat crack jab dab club thump buffet bang pellet bash box flail stone thwack hook cuff clap uppercut whang percuss give a black eye knock around let fly ride roughshod trim blip punish welt lash whup put over one's knee fiber marijuana cannabis hashish bhang jute fennel abaca manila ambary kef kif cord wire string yarn wool filament silk strand cotton ligature twine warp staple pile ravel stamen weft lint raveling lisle woof floss

Antonyms of flax

retreat surrender forfeit praise uphold relent lose fail yield fall behind build give up be inferior abet aid encourage help inspirit compliment guard protect
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