ford meaning in tamil

Word: ford - The english word have 4 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of verbin english.
Meaning of ford in english - cross, span, wade

Meanings in tamil :

nirmukam ( நீர்முகம் )
இறங்கு துறை

Identical words :

ford or ferry - tuṟai ( துறை )

Synonyms of ford

navigate sail ply cruise pass over bridge overpass voyage zigzag meet transverse cut across extend over go across move across traverse cover connect reach range link vault arch bathe trek splash stumble paddle attempt toil launch initiate attack drudge tackle labor walk start fall to go for pitch in get feet wet get stuck in jump in light into set about set to tear into

Antonyms of ford

disconnect disjoin remain abet aid assist stay divide part separate help unmix compress condense shorten unlink concentrate laze ignore avoid dodge be lazy idle neglect end finish stop
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