forlorn meaning in tamil

Word: forlorn - The english word have 7 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjectivein english.
Meaning of forlorn in english - hopeless, inconsolable

Meanings in tamil :

tikkaṟṟavan ( திக்கற்றவன் )

Identical words :

forlornness - antarippu ( அந்தரிப்பு )
forlorn or helpless family - tanittakuti ( தனித்தகுடி )
forlorn state - tnimai ( தனிமை )
forlorn hope - pachippatai ( பாசிப்படை )

Synonyms of forlorn

lonely pathetic depressed oppressed despondent deserted desolate desperate miserable helpless destitute pitiful abandoned alone bereft blue cheerless cynical defenseless despairing destroyed disconsolate dragging forgotten forsaken friendless fruitless futile godforsaken homeless lonesome lost pessimistic solitary tragic unhappy vain woebegone wretched comfortless pitiable down and out in the dumps

Antonyms of forlorn

cheerful worthwhile satisfied elated wealthy joyful pleased happy prosperous rich hopeful populated secure comforted
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