frame meaning in tamil

Word: frame - The english word have 5 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of frame in english - skeleton, casing, build, compose, plan

Meanings in tamil :

manikkutu ( மணிக்கூடு )
நாழிகைவட் டில்

Identical words :

frames of cross bars - arikantam ( அரிகண்டம் )
frame of the animal system - kttu ( கட்டு )
frame of a picture - kmpai ( கம்பை )
frame for separating or confining cattle - chinukkumaram ( சிணுக்குமரம் )
frame or wooden part of a plane - chivulikkutu ( சீவுளிக்கூடு )
frame of wood - chuṟavalichchattam ( சூறாவளிச்சட்டம் )
frame for carrying images on mens shoulders - tantu ( தண்டு )
frame of a gouging plane - tirantakutu ( திரண்டகூடு )
frame or temper - nilai ( நிலை )
frame of timbers to place under a dhoney when ashore - ptttai ( பட்டடை )
frame of a car riage bottom - parchchattam ( பார்ச்சட்டம் )

Synonyms of frame

body fabric physique framework cage structure scaffolding trim groundwork flounce truss enclosure support system setting hem scheme trimming shell form carcass anatomy construction stage outline mount fringe architecture mounting valance fabricate mold enclose erect manufacture fashion raise institute back produce constitute assemble invent forge model panel border make mat put together set up shingle lath encase sketch concoct prepare devise formulate shape draw up indite contrive write draft hatch vamp design conceive block out cook up dream up make up

Antonyms of frame

disorganization interior inside middle center demolish destroy ruin dismantle raze decrease prevent dissuade deny refuse break drop stop neglect halt discourage
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