gesture meaning in tamil

Word: gesture - The english word have 7 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of nounin english.
Meaning of gesture in english - motion as communication

Meanings in tamil :

natakankam ( நாடகாங்கம் )
avinayam ( அவிநயம் )

Identical words :

gestures - tutanilatchanam ( தூதனிலட்சணம் )
gestures or signs used in conversing with dumb persons - umaippayil ( ஊமைப்பயில் )
gesture with the hand - kaikattu ( கைகாட்டு )
gestures with the hand - kaikkorni ( கைக்கோரணி )

Synonyms of gesture

nod signal token indication body language action reminder expression salute curtsy bow wink mime intimation genuflection wave gesticulation high sign sign language shrug pantomime
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