get meaning in tamil

Word: get - The english word have 3 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of verbin english.
Meaning of get in english - come into possession of, achieve, fall victim to, seize, come to be, understand, arrive, contact for communication, arrange, manage desired goal, convince, induce, have an effect on, produce offspring, irritate, upset

Meanings in tamil :

kaippṟṟ ( கைப்பற்ற )

Identical words :

As noun :
getting - peṟal ( பெறல் )
get close together - ataichu ( அடைசு )
get over to ones interest - amai ( அமை )
getting water in a basket - allutal ( அள்ளுதல் )
getting dry - achchattu ( ஆச்சாட்டு )
getting profit indirectly by interposing between par ties - itaittattu ( இடைத்தட்டு )
get out of a boat - iṟngku ( இறங்கு )
get up or upon - ivr ( இவர் )
get the advantage of by subtilty or artifice - uchchu ( உச்சு )
getting up - umpl ( உம்பல் )
get over to ones interests - ullepota ( உள்ளேபோட )
getting loose - kazalvu ( கழல்வு )
getting in - kauvaimrm ( கௌவைமரம் )

Synonyms of get

pull earn land receive win make draw pick up bring score take grab obtain realize gain secure elicit attain parlay extract capture accomplish glean wangle snag access net educe hustle annex acquire procure snowball compass reap extort cop clear inherit bag evoke fetch bring in build up buy off chalk up come by rack up buy into buy out cash in on clean up get hands on lock up make a buy make a killing snap up succeed to catch accept sicken succumb contract come down with be afflicted with be given be smitten by become infected with get sick beat nab apprehend defeat nail arrest trap occupy collar overcome overpower lay hold of lay one's hands on run turn grow wax come over develop into see hear know learn follow notice memorize fathom perceive comprehend take in work out look at catch on to figure out get into one's head advance show reach converge show up turn up blow in draw near make it get in touch order fit prepare dispose fix contrive straighten adjust ready dress make up urge wheedle prompt coax compel influence beg pressure persuade provoke sway bring around argue into prevail upon talk into win over carry move satisfy gratify excite inspire entertain bias amuse impress strike arouse predispose bend affect stir stimulate stir up breed procreate propagate beget generate try annoy aggravate exasperate peeve bother burn vex nettle pique rile irk gall bug put out rub the wrong way

Antonyms of get

forfeit disallow refuse reject release avoid repress surrender relinquish overtake overthrow give in misconstrue misunderstand dissuade calm soothe push repel repulse lose spend throw away fail offer stop drop give up let go abandon free miss pass yield depart leave mismanage discourage please be immune liberate unfasten encourage halt ignore neglect overlook misinterpret recede retreat prevent disorganize disarrange disorder destroy disturb hinder leave alone anger disappoint frustrate annoy lull quiet tire upset bore kill aid appease mollify delight make happy
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