glow meaning in tamil
Word: glow - The english word have 4 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of glow in english - burning, brightness, burn, radiate
bloom radiance glare blossom light brilliance intensity glimmer gleam glitter warmth ray vividness effulgence luminosity gusto heat passion splendor flush blush afterglow lambency phosphorescence incandescence shine glisten twinkle flare brighten blaze smolder pink ignite thrill mantle color rouge blare tingle flame rose crimson kindle redden fill be suffuseddark dullness pale extinguish
Meaning of glow in english - burning, brightness, burn, radiate
Meanings in tamil :
Identical words :
glow worm - minampuchchi ( மீனாம்பூச்சி )
glow of kind feelings toward a friend - kannottam ( கண்ணோட்டம் )
glow of countenance - mukamalarchchi ( முகமலர்ச்சி )
glow of kind feelings toward a friend - kannottam ( கண்ணோட்டம் )
glow of countenance - mukamalarchchi ( முகமலர்ச்சி )
Synonyms of glow
Antonyms of glow
Tamil to English
English To Tamil