gods meaning in tamil

Word: gods - The english word have 4 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of nounin english.
Meaning of gods in english - supernatural being worshipped by people

Meanings in tamil :

pulvr ( புலவர் )
vanor ( வானோர் )
kuṟunilamannar ( குறுநிலமன்னர் )

Identical words :

gods who never sleep nor wink - imaiyavar ( இமையவர் )
gods displeasure - teyvakkuṟai ( தெய்வக்குறை )
gods disposal and direction - teyvatinam ( தெய்வாதீனம் )
gods right of bestowing - teyvatinam ( தெய்வாதீனம் )
gods of swerga or any other infe rior class - tevar ( தேவர் )
gods of swerga - tevarvakai ( தேவர்வகை )
gods of swerga and other celestials - tevatiyar ( தேவாதியர் )

Synonyms of gods

god creator demon totem deity divinity almighty father providence master lord idol power spirit holiness soul maker Holy Spirit omnipotent prime mover tutelary Jehovah Allah numen Yahweh daemon demigod world spirit Absolute Being All Knowing All Powerful Divine Being infinite spirit Jah King of Kings
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