grate meaning in tamil

Word: grate - The english word have 5 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of verbin english.
Meaning of grate in english - shred, grind down, irritate

Meanings in tamil :

paran ( பரண் )

Identical words :

grateful person - aṟivullavan ( அறிவுள்ளவன் )
grateful man - nanṟiyullavan ( நன்றியுள்ளவன் )

Synonyms of grate

rub mince pulverize pound rasp scuff scratch bray scrape abrade file skin gall bark raze fray triturate annoy chafe aggravate exasperate peeve burn vex nettle pique rile irk rankle provoke fret rub the wrong way

Antonyms of grate

construct build make happy please aid soothe appease mollify calm comfort placate delight
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