grim meaning in tamil

Word: grim - The english word have 4 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjectivein english.
Meaning of grim in english - hopeless, horrible in manner, appearance

Meanings in tamil :

churttanokku ( சூர்த்தநோக்கு )

Identical words :

grimace - konalmunchi ( கோணல்மூஞ்சி )

Synonyms of grim

gloomy harsh horrid sour somber terrible cruel glum grisly ghastly stern gruesome shocking ominous bleak austere barbarous cantankerous churlish crusty dogged ferocious fierce forbidding foreboding formidable frightful funereal grouchy grumpy hideous implacable inexorable intractable merciless morose relentless resolute ruthless severe sinister stubborn sulky sullen surly truculent unrelenting unyielding crabbed glowering scowling

Antonyms of grim

cheerful joyful encouraging pleasing kind pleasant wonderful pretty comforting bright light sunny happy gentle nice good
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