harbor meaning in tamil

Word: harbor - The english word have 6 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of harbor in english - place for storing boats in the water, place for seclusion, hide, protect, hold in imagination

Meanings in tamil :

tuṟaikana ( துறைகாண )

Identical words :

harbor or nest of insects - pochchai ( பொச்சை )
harbor or river - mukam ( முகம் )

Synonyms of harbor

wharf inlet dock pier port road breakwater gulf anchorage cove jetty landing bay arm bight embankment haven mooring chuck roadstead firth shelter sanctuary covert sanctum refuge security asylum retreat harborage suppress conceal accommodate nurture safeguard shield defend house bunk relieve domicile withhold entertain board lodge nurse quarter screen secrete secure hold back put up provide refuge retain believe maintain cherish foster consider regard imagine cling to

Antonyms of harbor

ignore endanger harm injure uncover disregard eject turn away neglect hurt lay open lay bare leave let go forget reveal let out reject disbelieve
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