holding meaning in tamil

Word: holding - The english word have 7 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of nounin english.
Meaning of holding in english - property held

Meanings in tamil :

As noun :
ningkatupṟṟl ( நீங்காதுபற்றல் )

Identical words :

holding up - entl ( ஏந்தல் )
holding a bough before a person - kuzaipitikka ( குழைபிடிக்க )
holding by a line attached to a beam as a woman in labor - kotikattiniṟka ( கொடிகட்டிநிற்க )
holding ones mouth open as a punishment - chilvayppiti ( சில்வாய்ப்பிடி )
holding one in magical subjection - chokku ( சொக்கு )
holding possession - tarippikka ( தரிப்பிக்க )
holding the head erect - talaiyetuppu ( தலையெடுப்பு )
holding right principles firmly - nanmaikataippitittal ( நன்மைகடைப்பிடித்தல் )
holding a lighted wick in water in which turmeric and lime are dissolved - nirachanam ( நிராசனம் )

Synonyms of holding

goods ownership equity claim estate house home plot inheritance holdings premises capital possession means farm acreage effects belongings land assets dominion acres buildings freehold chattels possessorship
Tamil to English
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