illustrate meaning in tamil

Word: illustrate - The english word have 10 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of verbin english.
Meaning of illustrate in english - demonstrate, exemplify, explain by drawing, decorating

Meanings in tamil :

telivikka ( தெளிவிக்க )
veliyakka ( வெளியாக்க )

Synonyms of illustrate

exhibit represent illuminate typify mirror portray depict mark emphasize expose clarify highlight interpret delineate reveal manifest personify epitomize embody lay out symbolize spotlight expound picture show imitate elucidate clear evidence instance evince vivify proclaim disclose clear up get across get over limelight show and tell point up allegorize bring home draw a picture emblematize make clear make plain ostend paint adorn sketch ornament limn

Antonyms of illustrate

conceal hide obscure complicate cover confuse
Tamil to English
English To Tamil