immortal meaning in tamil

Word: immortal - The english word have 8 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjectivein english.
Meaning of immortal in english - death-defying, imperishable, famous

Meanings in tamil :

amirtan ( அமிர்தன் )
ktvul ( கடவுள் )

Identical words :

As noun :
immortality - mariyamai ( மரியாமை )
immortals - chuvarkkar ( சுவர்க்கர் )

Synonyms of immortal

eternal indestructible timeless never-ending enduring everlasting endless evergreen permanent constant perennial abiding ceaseless deathless incorruptible indissoluble interminable perpetual undying amaranthine perdurable sempiternal never-ceasing phoenixlike unfading glorious heroic genius paragon epic celebrated eminent illustrious storied

Antonyms of immortal

temporary transient interrupted ephemeral human perishable infamous insignificant unimportant unknown ending stopping terminable ceasing destructible
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