impertinent meaning in tamil

Word: impertinent - The english word have 11 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjectivein english.
Meaning of impertinent in english - bold, disrespectful

Meanings in tamil :

kozuppukkatta ( கொழுப்புக்காட்ட )

Identical words :

impertinent persons - elatar ( ஏலாதார் )
impertinent talk - kirutuppechchu ( கிருதுப்பேச்சு )

Synonyms of impertinent

arrogant brash brassy brazen discourteous flip forward fresh ill-mannered impolite impudent inappropriate incongruous inquisitive insolent intrusive meddlesome meddling nosy off base offensive pert presumptuous prying rude sassy smart uncalled-for uncivil ungracious unmannerly unsuitable contumelious interfering disgracious lippy out of line procacious

Antonyms of impertinent

kind mannered polite respectful nice
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