indifferent meaning in tamil

Word: indifferent - The english word have 11 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjectivein english.
Meaning of indifferent in english - unfeeling, uninterested

Meanings in tamil :

tatastan ( தடஸ்தன் )

Synonyms of indifferent

disinterested diffident impervious haughty impartial callous unsympathetic uninvolved unconcerned nonchalant neutral distant heartless aloof inattentive uncaring detached apathetic unresponsive blasé cold cool dispassionate equitable heedless highbrow listless nonpartisan objective phlegmatic regardless scornful silent supercilious superior unbiased uncommunicative unemotional unmoved unprejudiced passionless stoical unaroused unimpressed

Antonyms of indifferent

biased interested responsive compassionate kind friendly concerned prejudiced sensitive partial feeling nice sympathetic caring
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