indigent meaning in tamil

Word: indigent - The english word have 8 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjectivein english.
Meaning of indigent in english - poor

Meanings in tamil :

petaiyar ( பேதையர் )
கீழ் மக்கள்
பாலை நிலமகளிர்

Identical words :

indigent person - choṟpmnitn ( சொற்பமனிதன் )
indigent circumstances - karaiyeṟa ( கரையேற )

Synonyms of indigent

needy penniless impoverished destitute poverty-stricken hard up homeless impecunious penurious necessitous beggared busted down and out flat broke

Antonyms of indigent

wealthy affluent
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