ink meaning in tamil

Word: ink - The english word have 3 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of ink in english - autograph, blacken, coffee, contract, employ, engage, hire, mark, notoriety, publicity, sign, subscribe, write, signature, infamousness, notoriousness, undersign

Meanings in tamil :

mashi ( மஷி )

Identical words :

ink nut - chirottam ( சிரோட்டம் )

Synonyms of ink

engross pen inscribe endorse handwrite write by hand blot smudge soil befoul shade deepen cloud begrime ebonize grow dark grow dim make dark perk brew café cappuccino espresso caffeine java decaf decoction mocha demitasse battery acid café au lait café noir forty weight hot stuff jamocha joe varnish remover buy owe negotiate settle undertake agree pledge consent clinch dicker bound obligate promise close initial circumscribe covenant assent stipulate arrange pact bargain adjust limit commit enter into sign up accept offer become indebted come around firm a deal go along with hammer out deal make terms put in writing shake hands on it sign for sign papers swear to work out details give one's word it's a deal retain enlist secure procure obtain commission place put on take on bring on board come on board contract for sign on truck with appoint charter enroll book rent bespeak reserve lease prearrange bring in draft pick select authorize empower utilize occupy exploit delegate carry let sublet sublease add to payroll fill a position find help give a break give job to give work make use of put to work streak impression stamp symbol spot imprint record score stain scar line scratch bruise stroke tag splotch logo check trademark cross label nick pock blaze trace brand representation ticket register blotch dent dot John Hancock brand name underlining X John Henry seal underline pinpoint letter chalk infamy celebrity spotlight renown opprobrium fame flak obloquy wise ballyhoo dishonor disrepute splash scandal éclat center stage noise attention commercial clout propaganda hoopla hype distribution pitch currency announcement promulgation report spread boost blurb limelight pushing plug handout puffery broadcasting advertising release public relations write-up PR billing announcing big noise build-up press-agentry promo public notice réclame confirm acknowledge witness put John Hancock on put John Henry on rubber-stamp set one's hand to advocate support grant second donate chip in come through pitch in put up ante up make a deal do one's part underwrite sanction back accede acquiesce favor okay obey countenance ditto bless approve yes cosign get behind give stamp of approval give the go-ahead hold with compose rewrite create scrawl note address scribble tell ghost transcribe formulate communicate correspond reproduce indite copy draw up knock off knock out take down turn out typewrite pencil bang out dash off drop a line drop a note jot down note down push a pencil scriven set down set forth write down write up identification signatory sigil

Antonyms of ink

reject bleach whiten compliment enhance praise lighten disapprove dissent refuse release derange disarrange disorder disorganize amplify dilate enlarge increase lengthen stretch discourage end break disagree let go open free confuse expand extend spread break off give shun forfeit ignore misuse fire discharge lose lay off unemploy banish oust break up surrender defuse disconnect dismiss cancel spend expel decline give up yield keep blank clarity unimportance mend smooth obscurity esteem honor secret deny oppose protest withhold renege take neglect object prevent veto disallow condemn hinder hurt destroy ruin stop repudiate
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