intelligent meaning in tamil

Word: intelligent - The english word have 11 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjectivein english.
Meaning of intelligent in english - very smart

Meanings in tamil :

telliyar ( தெள்ளியர் )

Identical words :

intelligent man - alokn ( ஆலோகன் )
intelligent soul as enshrouded in the body - kutattar ( கூடத்தர் )
intelligent being - chivi ( சீவி )
intelligent soul - chivachatchi ( சீவசாட்சி )
intelligent person - chetanan ( சேதனன் )
intelligent persons - telintavar ( தெளிந்தவர் )

Synonyms of intelligent

imaginative inventive wise brilliant knowledgeable resourceful creative bright perceptive rational brainy well-informed original astute acute alert alive apt calculating capable clever deep discerning enlightened exceptional highbrow ingenious instructed keen knowing penetrating perspicacious profound quick quick-witted ready reasonable responsible sage sharp thinking together understanding whiz witty all there

Antonyms of intelligent

uncreative unimaginative uninventive ignorant stupid unintelligent typical unaware uneducated worn foolish idiotic imbecile dull unreasonable dark normal old
Tamil to English
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