jolly meaning in tamil
Word: jolly - The english word have 5 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjectivein english.
Meaning of jolly in english - laughing, joyful
pleasant enjoyable festive joyous carefree cheerful jovial chipper merry playful convivial lighthearted funny entertaining gay blithe daffy delightful frolicsome gleeful happy hilarious jocund jubilant mirthful sportive sprightly zippy blithesome bouncy larking joshing chirpy gladsome jokeyunpleasant worried upset disagreeable unhappy depressed gloomy troubled grave sad serious unamusing dull
Meaning of jolly in english - laughing, joyful
Meanings in tamil :
timitamita ( திமிதமிட )
Synonyms of jolly
Antonyms of jolly
Tamil to English
English To Tamil