joviality meaning in tamil
Word: joviality - The english word have 9 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of nounin english.
Meaning of joviality in english - gaiety
radiance color brilliance gladness cheer revelry sport glitter jocundity jocosity elation glee gleefulness liveliness sparkle animation lightheartedness frolic mirthfulness hilarity festivity sprightliness blitheness merrymaking effervescence pleasantness jocularity geniality merriment conviviality brightness entertainment jolliness shindig jollity exhilaration merriness fun jocoseness blithesomeness good humor joie de vivre joyousness whoopee showiness grins vivacity colorfulness high spirits revelingsadness sorrow dullness unhappiness depression gloom seriousness work
Meaning of joviality in english - gaiety
Identical words :
joviality glee - klippu ( களிப்பு )
Synonyms of joviality
Antonyms of joviality
Tamil to English
English To Tamil