kind of diseas meaning in tamil
Word: kind of diseas - The english word have 14 alphabets and vowels..
Meanings in tamil :
Identical words :
kind of disease - mukavatam ( முகவாதம் )
kind of disease resulting from bad humors in the system and attended with eruptions - utukarappan ( ஊதுகரப்பன் )
kind of disease with which monkeys are commonly said to be affected - kurakkuvali ( குரக்குவலி )
kind of disease which causes the mouth to smell badly - chentazainoy ( செந்தாழைநோய் )
kind of disease on the tongue - nakkuppuṟṟu ( நாக்குப்புற்று )
kind of disease in children - perunkiranti ( பெருங்கிரந்தி )
kind of disease affecting the neck - malai ( மாலை )
kind of disease resulting from bad humors in the system and attended with eruptions - utukarappan ( ஊதுகரப்பன் )
kind of disease with which monkeys are commonly said to be affected - kurakkuvali ( குரக்குவலி )
kind of disease which causes the mouth to smell badly - chentazainoy ( செந்தாழைநோய் )
kind of disease on the tongue - nakkuppuṟṟu ( நாக்குப்புற்று )
kind of disease in children - perunkiranti ( பெருங்கிரந்தி )
kind of disease affecting the neck - malai ( மாலை )
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