lazy meaning in tamil

Word: lazy - The english word have 4 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjectivein english.
Meaning of lazy in english - inactive, sluggish

Meanings in tamil :

tunkalan ( தூங்கலன் )

Identical words :

lazy untractable bullock or cow - chantimatu ( சண்டிமாடு )
lazy person - pinavaṟaiyan ( பிணவறையன் )
lazy fellow - tiṟankettavan ( திறங்கெட்டவன் )
lazy ox - tungkl ( தூங்கல் )
lazyness or ailment - pnchi ( பஞ்சி )

Synonyms of lazy

tired sleepy weary lackadaisical passive careless apathetic inattentive indifferent dull lethargic comatose dilatory drowsy idle indolent inert laggard languid lifeless loafing neglectful remiss shiftless slack slothful slow somnolent supine tardy torpid trifling unconcerned flagging languorous asleep on the job dallying out of it procrastinating slow-moving snoozy unenergetic unindustrious unpersevering

Antonyms of lazy

energetic lively careful interested vivacious diligent industrious activated active fresh caring attentive concerned
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