long meaning in tamil

Word: long - The english word have 4 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjective, verbin english.
Meaning of long in english - extended in space or time, interminable, excessive in length, desire, crave

Meanings in tamil :

nettutal ( நெட்டுடல் )

Identical words :

As noun :
longevity - nitiyaayul ( நீடியஆயுள் )
longing - tavanam ( தவனம் )
long garment - angki ( அங்கி )
long grass - ayiri ( அயிரி )
long pepper - makati ( மாகதி )
long oar - alliyamrm ( அல்லியாமரம் )
long road - alkkr ( அளக்கர் )
longing of a loving and affectionate hus band and his wife when separated - avavayinvitumpal ( அவாவயின்விதும்பல் )
longitude of the sun - atittaputam ( ஆதித்தபுடம் )
long life - nitiyaayul ( நீடியஆயுள் )
long vowels to the short - inavezuttu ( இனவெழுத்து )
longitude of a planet required to be subtracted in astronomical calculations - iranatturuvam ( இரணத்துருவம் )
long leaved bassia - iluppai ( இலுப்பை )
long wooden boat suspended for watering fields - iṟaimaram ( இறைமரம் )

Synonyms of long

lengthy protracted great deep high tall stretch prolonged elongate elongated running enduring towering sustained enlarged lingering lasting distant extensive far-reaching faraway gangling lanky lofty rangy remote stringy far-off expanded stretching lengthened stretched continued drawn out longish outstretched spread out spun out late slow delayed dragging diffuse boundless dilatory limitless long-winded prolix tardy unending verbose wordy drawn-out long-drawn-out overlong diffusive for ages forever and a day without end yearn aim itch hunger wish covet pine hanker lust thirst want sigh aspire ache miss suspire dream of have a yen for

Antonyms of long

unimportant ignorant ephemeral evanescent fleeting little short small weak soft low abbreviated abridged on time dislike hate
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