nag meaning in tamil

Word: nag - The english word have 3 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of verbin english.
Meaning of nag in english - harass, bother

Meanings in tamil :

chiṟumattam ( சிறுமட்டம் )
kullam ( குள்ளம் )

Identical words :

nagas - chattapatalam ( சத்தபாதாளம் )
nagari character of the sanskrit language - tevanakaram ( தேவநாகரம் )

Synonyms of nag

annoy fuss tease pester scold irritate berate hector irk torment vex hound badger urge prod nudge ride needle dog importune eat bait plague harry heckle upbraid goad provoke egg bug worry carp at find fault give a hard time pick at take it out on

Antonyms of nag

aid soothe delight compliment praise assist dissuade assuage make happy please help discourage
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