shadow meaning in tamil
Word: shadow - The english word have 6 alphabets and vowels..
Meanings in tamil :
Identical words :
shadowless being - apachchayai ( அபச்சாயை )
shadow of an umbrella - kutainizal ( குடைநிழல் )
shadow of a gnomon or of a persons length on the ground for deter mining the hour of the day - chayai ( சாயை )
shadowing - nizalal ( நிழலல் )
shadow under the foot - patachchayai ( பாதச்சாயை )
shadow of the earth - puchchayai ( பூச்சாயை )
shadow of an umbrella - kutainizal ( குடைநிழல் )
shadow of a gnomon or of a persons length on the ground for deter mining the hour of the day - chayai ( சாயை )
shadowing - nizalal ( நிழலல் )
shadow under the foot - patachchayai ( பாதச்சாயை )
shadow of the earth - puchchayai ( பூச்சாயை )
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