above meaning in telugu
Word: above
Meaning of above in english - higher in position, more, higher in amount, degree, superior to
raised over overhead aloft atop beyond upon on high on top of exceeding greater than larger than before prior tobelow under deficient fewer lessabridgedabridgmentabroadabrogationabruptlyabruptnessabscessabscondedabsence from ones homeabsence non-existenceabsence of authorityabsence of commencementabsence of courageabsence of cunningabsence of desireabsence of discriminationabsence of foodabsence of intervalabsence of loversabsence of self command
Meanings in telugu :
zami ( మీ )
Identical words :
above-mentioned - sadaru ( సదరు )
Synonyms of above
Antonyms of above
Related English Telugu Meaning
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