adverse meaning in telugu

Word: adverse
Meaning of adverse in english - unfavorable, antagonistic

Meanings in telugu :

vishamamu ( విషమము )

Identical words :

adverse wind on the sea - mammu ( మమ్ము )
adverseness - vaipararityamu ( వైపరరీత్యము )

Synonyms of adverse

inimical conflicting negative unfriendly detrimental unfortunate disadvantageous injurious contrary inopportune opposed opposing opposite ornery reluctant repugnant stuffy unlucky unpropitious unwilling allergic to down on down side have no use for

Antonyms of adverse

friendly kind advantageous assisting beneficial helpful auspicious fortunate lucky good nice aiding favorable

Related English Telugu Meaning

advantageousadvantageouslyadverseadviceaerialafar offaffectationaffected with fearaffection entertained faffix an ending of the seventh caseaffix as high asaffabilityaffairaffairsaffix by throughaffix denoting possessionaffix meaning possessed ofaffixforaffectedaffection
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