annoyance meaning in telugu

Word: annoyance
Meaning of annoyance in english - feeling of being irritated, source of irritation

Meanings in telugu :

hēraami ( హేరామి )

Synonyms of annoyance

discontent displeasure exasperation pique frustration anger indignation unhappiness irascibility vexation distress inconvenience irritant difficulty discomfort aggravation headache nuisance

Antonyms of annoyance

happiness satisfaction calmness joy delight pleasure enjoyment comfort

Related English Telugu Meaning

annoyedannoyingannual mourning fannual plantannuallyanof neuter nouns and of masculine nouns that take neuter form asanointinganother form isanother form ofanother mananother meaning is in useanother name of gaṇēsaanother placeanother thinganotheranswer in itselfansweranswering to april-mayanswering to february-marchanswering to
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