blame meaning in telugu
Word: blame
Meaning of blame in english - condemnation, responsibility, accuse, place responsibility
criticism animadversion reprehension disparagement accusation reprobation arraignment rebuke obloquy tirade castigation charge disapproval attack denunciation invective reproof indictment diatribe complaint attribution slur depreciation censure opposition disfavor reproach incrimination imputation disapprobation remonstrance expostulation reprimand implication repudiation recrimination objurgation inculpation chiding impeachment exprobation culpability onus fault accountability liability guilt burden rap answerability criticize attribute denounce chide knock saddle reprehend reprove frame ascribe disapprove admonish roast impute finger skin upbraid tax blast pass the buck blow the whistle on climb all over denunciate express disapprobation find fault with hold responsible jump all over lay a bad trip on lay to let one have it lower the boom point the finger stick it to jump down one's throatcommendation compliment flattery praise exculpation acquittal endorsement health recommendation ratification applause thanks approval sanction harmony peace exoneration retreat exaltation aid benefit blessing help laud exonerate absolve applaud exculpate approveblamelessblandblandishmentblank bookblankblanketblanketusually blackblasted ears of corn which are thought to be hurtful to the health of cattleblasted grainblastedblaze of beautyblazeblazinglybleachedbleachingclothblemishblendingblessed foodblessedblessedness
Meanings in telugu :
santulugottu ( సంతులుగొట్టు )
Identical words :
As adjective :
blameless - anavadyamu ( అనవద్యము )
blameless - anavadyamu ( అనవద్యము )
Synonyms of blame
Antonyms of blame
Related English Telugu Meaning
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