blessed meaning in telugu

Word: blessed
Meaning of blessed in english - sanctified, happy

Meanings in telugu :

shubhamu ( శుభము )

Identical words :

As noun :
blessedness - vibhooti ( విభూతి )
blessed food - pasaadamu ( పసాదము )

Synonyms of blessed

consecrated exalted hallowed rewarded divine saved holy inviolable sacred sacrosanct spiritual enthroned resurrected glorified redeemed beatified adored revered among the angels unprofane favored content granted contented endowed blissful fortunate glad joyful joyous

Antonyms of blessed

condemned damned unlucky cursed disapproved unblessed unhappy unfavored dissatisfied upset discontent

Related English Telugu Meaning

blessednessblessing sought in prayerblessingblestblight which destroys treesblightblightedblind eyeblind manblind womanblindblindness of heartblindnessblinkingblissblisterblisters in the hands and feetblock headblockblockbead
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