chaff meaning in telugu

Word: chaff
Meaning of chaff in english - waste, joke, ridicule

Meanings in telugu :

bottu ( బొత్తు )

Identical words :

chaff of grain - tarakalu ( తరకలు )
chaff of cast - moon ( మూన )

Synonyms of chaff

refuse shell remains crust shard debris rubbish dregs pod trash husks rag razz scoff tease taunt banter josh jolly deride fun rally rib jeer mock

Antonyms of chaff

assets possessions property sense praise compliment

Related English Telugu Meaning

chafing dishchagrinchain of silver worn asmans girdlechain that goes round the neck of an elephantchain tied round the neck of an elephantchain to be exhaustedchainchairchalicechallengechallenging to fightchamber built over the gate offortchamber-lainchamberchamberhousechameleonchamelionchance dinnerchancechange of colour
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