conversation meaning in telugu

Word: conversation
Meaning of conversation in english - dialogue, discourse

Meanings in telugu :

sallaapamu ( సల్లాపము )

Identical words :

conversationalevil and good - abamushubhamu ( అబముశుభము )

Synonyms of conversation

comment conference remark observation exchange communication discussion visit hearing consultation speech chat gossip questioning debate talk confab repartee confabulation intercourse parley palaver converse powwow colloquy yak communion expression gab ventilation jive pillow talk talkfest

Antonyms of conversation

quiet silence quietude listening

Related English Telugu Meaning

conversationalevil and goodconvetousnessconveyconveyance of any kindconvocationconvulsionsconvulsivenesscook housecook roomcook pitcook roomcookcooked foodcookedcookerycooking potcooking utensils that are not washed cleancookingcool breezecool water perfumed watercool wind
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