defiled meaning in telugu

Word: defiled
Meaning of defiled in english - corrupted, violated

Meanings in telugu :

engili ( ఎంగిలి )

Identical words :

defiled food - engili ( ఎంగిలి )

Synonyms of defiled

exposed tainted dirty common impure unclean desecrated trashed spoilt besmirched profaned cooked dishonored vitiated polluted ravished

Antonyms of defiled

hallowed honorable clean pure cleansed purified

Related English Telugu Meaning

defilement by touchdefilementdefineddefinitedefinitiondeformed mandeformed palm treedeformed persondeformeddeformitydefruadingdegree of latitudedegreedeity and i are onedeitydejecteddejectiondelaydelayingdeliberation
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