depart meaning in telugu

Word: depart
Meaning of depart in english - leave, retreat, diverge from normal, expected

Meanings in telugu :

veLlu ( వెళ్లు )

Identical words :

As adjective :
departed - apagatamu ( అపగతము )
depart as desire - udugu ( ఉడుగు )
departure - prayaanamu ( ప్రయాణము )
departed from - vinirgatamu ( వినిర్గతము )

Synonyms of depart

blast off quit pull out vacate retire evacuate go exit remove withdraw escape abandon disappear absent abdicate migrate troop secede start part decamp split scram vanish emigrate desert tergiversate perish beat it cut out hit the road sally forth shove off cut and run get away git go away go forth hit the bricks hit the trail make a break march out move on move out say goodbye set forth slip away start out take leave veer deviate stray differ ramble repudiate dissent vary swerve wander cast digress reject discard disagree forsake excurse

Antonyms of depart

remain persevere come in combine wait stay continue fill occupy enter arrive join linger keep to consent harmonize concur ratify sanction aid agree approve accept help go direct

Related English Telugu Meaning

departed fromdeparteddeparturedepend on any persondependant ondependantdependantsdependence on the aid of othersdependencedependent ondependentdepending ondepopulateddepositdepositeddepositingdepraveddepressdepressedas the nosedepressing
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