discharge meaning in telugu

Word: discharge
Meaning of discharge in english - setting free, dismissal from responsibility, detonation, pouring forth, unloading, carrying out of responsibility, payment of debt, set free, dismiss from responsibility, detonate weapon, pour forth, carry out responsibility, pay, settle debt, invalidate agreement

Meanings in telugu :

baratarapu ( బరతరపు )

Identical words :

As adjective :
discharged - muktamu ( ముక్తము )
discharged as frombow - prahitamu ( ప్రహితము )
discharge ofdebt f - vaayida ( వాయిదా )
discharge ofgun - vētu ( వేటు )

Synonyms of discharge

parole pardon clearance liberation acquittal release probation exoneration remittance disimprisonment ax ejection bounce gate pink slip walking papers demobilization congé old heave ho the boot the door bum's rush fusillade explosion burst salvo shower barrage volley report shot blast firing flow emission seepage vent excretion ooze secretion elimination pus exudation suppuration emptying voiding unlading disburdening unburdening observance accomplishment fulfillment performance execution achievement disbursement satisfaction settlement liquidation oust expel exonerate loosen unbind absolve manumit liberate emancipate unchain allow to go unshackle terminate displace remove replace exempt discard bust supersede excuse fire dispense relieve cashier bump nix supplant spare disencumber can kick out lay off let off let go boot out freeze out give one notice let one go let out lock out privilege from ride out on rail run out of town show the door shoot explode set off shoot off leak spew erupt ejaculate excrete vomit exude gush break out give off disembogue send forth unlade unpack take off carry away off-load remove cargo take away unship unstow execute observe meet liquidate satisfy honor pay up square up cancel dissolve vacate abrogate quash annul

Antonyms of discharge

hold incarceration loading indebtedness imprisonment keep retention assignment delegation employment engagement hiring damming owing quiet frustration neglect defeat failure blame condemn damn sentence welcome detain hire owe maintain delegate retain lose miss upset sanction permit validate support

Related English Telugu Meaning

discharged as frombowdischargeddiscipledisciplinedisciplineddiscloseddiscof the sundiscolorationdiscoloúreddiscomfiturediscomposeddisconcertdiscontentdiscord in musicdiscordance of the voicediscordantdiscourageddiscoursediscoverdiscrepancy
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