drop meaning in telugu
Word: drop
Meaning of drop in english - globule, steep decline, hole, decrease, fall in globules, let go of, fall, abandon, ignore
speck taste morsel dash bit sip dab pearl splash bubble iota trace molecule spot bead nip smidgen droplet crumb driblet particle tear pinch drip trickle dewdrop ounce teardrop tumble plunge dip slope abyss descent declivity precipice depth chasm deepness cut slump slide reduction deterioration downturn lowering downfall upset lapse sag slip landslide precipitation downswing downslide downtrend fall-off drain distill snow seep leak hail bleed descend percolate precipitate dribble emanate ooze trill shoot collapse dump dive shed plummet go down knock release fell sink duck relinquish loosen topple unload flop floor pitch depress ground plump bring down keel over give up cave in nose-dive stop leave lose cancel repudiate scratch forfeit terminate abort cease shake ditch quit renounce divorce reject forsake jilt scrub separate sacrifice dismiss discontinue resign interrupt disown desert remit kick break with call off cast off eighty-six throw over wipe out write off adios be alienated from dust off forget about have done with part from part with wash outglob incline mound mountain increase lot rise ascent betterment improvement success perfection pour ascend take up downpour continue pursue compliment praise go up build hold keep maintain schedule set up marry begin start allow approve initiate staydropped downdroppeddroppingdroppingletter by grammatical ruledrops of saliva that fall out while speakingdrops of water that fall from the leaves of treesdropsdropsydrossdroughtdrowndrowneddrowsiness in-toxicationmdrowsinessdrudgedrudgery mean toildrudgerydrug called gānjadrug calleddrug made of indian hemp
Meanings in telugu :
bottu ( బొట్టు )
Identical words :
drop through - kaaru ( కారు )
dropped down - chyutamu ( చ్యుతము )
drop of rain - toor ( తూర )
drops - pooje ( పూజె )
drops of saliva that fall out while speaking - trass ( త్రస్స )
drop of water - shikaramu ( శీకరము )
drops of water that fall from the leaves of trees - natlotlu ( నట్లొట్లు )
drop of any liquid - prishatamu ( పృషతము )
droppingletter by grammatical rule - lōpamu ( లోపము )
drop down - vidulu ( విదులు )
dropsy - shvayathu ( శ్వయథు )
dropped down - chyutamu ( చ్యుతము )
drop of rain - toor ( తూర )
drops - pooje ( పూజె )
drops of saliva that fall out while speaking - trass ( త్రస్స )
drop of water - shikaramu ( శీకరము )
drops of water that fall from the leaves of trees - natlotlu ( నట్లొట్లు )
drop of any liquid - prishatamu ( పృషతము )
droppingletter by grammatical rule - lōpamu ( లోపము )
drop down - vidulu ( విదులు )
dropsy - shvayathu ( శ్వయథు )
Synonyms of drop
Antonyms of drop
Related English Telugu Meaning
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