efficacy meaning in telugu

Word: efficacy
Meaning of efficacy in english - efficiency, productiveness

Meanings in telugu :

saarthakamu ( సార్థకము )

Synonyms of efficacy

adequacy effectiveness competence virtue potency vigor use strength force ability power efficaciousness energy influence weight capability performance success sufficiency capacity

Antonyms of efficacy

inadequacy ineffectiveness enervation idleness inactivity lethargy weakness incompetence inability incapacity inefficiency inefficacy powerlessness impotence failure unproductiveness

Related English Telugu Meaning

effigyefforteffusionegg planteggegotismeight personseighteightheightyeither as regards sizeeither feither goodeither in the maleeither intowneither of flavourseither of the lunareither of the sun ofpungent tasteeither rent freeeither
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