elephants meaning in telugu
Word: elephants
elevatedelevatingelevationeleventhelfelisionelliotelliptical expressioneloquent manelseelsewhereelysiumemaciatedemaciationemanateemanatedemanationemancipatoremasculateembankment
Meanings in telugu :
laddi ( లద్ది )
Identical words :
elephants tusk - kommu ( కొమ్ము )
elephants roar - gik ( గీక )
elephants trunk - shund ( శుండ )
elephants howdah - pallan ( పల్లన )
elephants tether - baari ( బారీ )
elephants roar - gik ( గీక )
elephants trunk - shund ( శుండ )
elephants howdah - pallan ( పల్లన )
elephants tether - baari ( బారీ )
Related English Telugu Meaning
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