endure meaning in telugu

Word: endure
Meaning of endure in english - bear hardship, continue, be durable

Meanings in telugu :

saichu ( సైచు )

Synonyms of endure

withstand go through brave undergo feel tolerate experience face weather sustain suffer encounter know accustom stomach stick support brook abide countenance allow permit swallow take keep up subject to take it ride out be patient with bear the brunt cope with grin and bear it hang in live out live through meet with never say die put up with repress feelings resign oneself sit through stick it out submit to take patiently go on linger remain stay persist survive exist hold last outlast cling superannuate prevail outlive wear carry on hang on hold out live on be left be long lived be timeless carry through have no end hold on keep on perdure run on stay on stick to wear on

Antonyms of endure

surrender hide disallow retreat refuse reject disapprove resist deny discontinue yield run away halt stop oppose hold keep maintain cease go leave depart die quit lose

Related English Telugu Meaning

embellishembellishmentembezzlementembraceentertainment given tofriend on the occasion of his departureembracingemeraldemigrationentire filledentrailentrance intohouseentreatyentrustedenvyepauleteminenceeminentemissaryepauletteepileptic fit
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