flame meaning in telugu
Word: flame
Meaning of flame in english - fire, lover, passion, insulting e-mail message, burn
light flash blaze conflagration flare holocaust brightness wildfire rapid oxidation spark heartthrob keenness honey dear swain girlfriend beloved ardor enthusiasm darling sweetheart sweetie paramour beau truelove inamorata baby fervor boyfriend desire steady affection inamorato abusive e-mail message abusive newsgroup message abusive newsgroup posting flame war flame-mail insulting newsgroup message insulting newsgroup posting ignite shine oxidize glare glint coruscate kindle glowhate dislike hatred coldness coolness indifference apathy enemy foe girlfriend dull extinguishflankflanksflannelflap aboutflapflapping of an elephants earsflash of lightflash of witflashflashingflaskflat ceilingflat piece of metalflat place onhillflat ring used to keep other rings from slipping down from the fingersflat roofflat roofed houseflat thin bitflat thing of any sortflat
Meanings in telugu :
raazu ( రాు )
Synonyms of flame
Antonyms of flame
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