flat meaning in telugu

Word: flat
Meaning of flat in english - level, smooth, dull, lackluster to the senses, absolute, positive, apartment

Meanings in telugu :

chidak ( చిడక )

Identical words :

As adjective :
flattering - laalan ( లాలన )
flatnosed - chipitamu ( చిపిటము )
flat ring used to keep other rings from slipping down from the fingers - taaku ( టాకు )
flat place onhill - depp ( డెప్ప )
flat piece of metal - tagadu ( తగడు )
flat thing of any sort - tatt ( తట్ట )
flat ceiling - daddaLamu ( దద్దళము )
flat thin bit - badd ( బద్ద )
flat roof - midde ( మిద్దె )
flat roofed house - midde ( మిద్దె )
flattery - shlaagh ( శ్లాఘ )

Synonyms of flat

horizontal unbroken low empty even reclining plane pancake flush deflated depressed extended fallen prone prostrate recumbent supine decumbent planar procumbent splay oblate collapsed complanate laid low outstretched punctured spread out tabular bland lifeless stale weak dead blind boring vanilla blah drab banal colorless dim flavorless inane innocuous insipid jejune monotonous pointless prosaic spiritless tasteless tedious uninteresting unpalatable unsavory unseasoned vapid watery matte draggy ho hum lead balloon muted prosy sapless whitebread straight plain final categorical direct downright explicit fixed indubitable out-and-out peremptory unconditional unequivocal unmistakable unqualified unquestionable suite tenement room joint pad lodging rental crash pad condo walk-up co-op rooms chambers floor-through go-down

Antonyms of flat

uneven rounded indefinite upright rough broken elevated raised rugged bubbly effervescent sharp living spirited exciting alive

Related English Telugu Meaning

flatnosedflatterflatteringflatteryflauntingflavorflavourflawflawin coinflaxflayfledgefleeingflesh withblowfleshfleshlessfleshmentfleshyflickerflickering noise made byflame
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